Wednesday, 25 April 2012


Dear John Terry,

I write regarding your little incident during the Barcelona vs Chelsea Champions League Semi Final 2nd Leg. The little incident you got a red card for.... And your subsequent comments.

First off,  the question everyone wants to hear the answer to:

WHY did you feel the need to knee Sanchez, from behind, off the ball, without provocation in such an important game?

a) Did he stamp on your toe? 
b) Did he say your mum likes Scouse cock? 
c) Did you want to slip off for an early bath so you could stick one in Guardiola’s wife whilst he was otherwise engaged?
d) Or was Sanchez quite genuinely just giving you the run around and you couldn’t handle it?

We’re all dying to know. 

And, imagine .. just imagine our confusion, having seen the replays multiple times on Sky ... for the pitch side reporter to come on saying that YOU said Sanchez “RAN INFRONT OF YOU” and “CUT IN TO YOUR PATH” and “THAT IT WAS AN ACCIDENT”.

Imagine our utter confusion, until after the game, where you face the post –match interview and say;

“I’ve seen the replay.. and it looks bad on camera, but I’m not that type of player”

Ah. You aren’t that type of player.  You aren’t that type of guy.   Of course.

Of course you aren’t...........

But ..........

Remember the time in September 2001, when you were fined two weeks wages by Chelsea for an incident involving players and American tourists at a Heathrow airport bar in the immediate aftermath of the September 11th attacks? 

Nah – you aren’t that type of guy.

Remember the time in January 2002 when you were charged with assault and affray after a confrontation with a nightclub bouncer?

Nah – you aren’t that type of guy.

Remember in 2009 when you were investigated by Chelsea and the FA for allegedly taking £10,000 from an undercover reporter for a private tour of your training ground?

Nah – you aren’t that type of guy.

Remember in January 2010 when the super-injunction about you back-ending Wayne Bridge’s missus was over turned, and all the papers reported your 4 month affair with her? And her and Bridge split? And you lost your England captaincy?  And Bridge swerved your handshake? 

Nah – you aren’t that type of guy.

And remember last November, when you were investigated following an allegation of racist abuse made at Anton Ferdinand? You ALLEDGEDLY called him a “black c*nt” ... And you got charged?  And stripped of your England captaincy, again? And you face a criminal trial this July?

Nah – you aren’t that type of guy.

John Terry -  Not that type of guy™

But  .. JT Lad...  Are you THIS type of guy?

(Full story about a Tranny from Warrington that is THE SPITS of John Terry can be found here: >>   ))


  1. Love it!!

    No class and no history!

    1. Scousers talking about class, how would they recognise it? And as for 'istoreeeee!, you lot are 'istoreeee!

      Brainless drivel written by scousers for scousers

  2. ...Rubbish, he said he is not that kind of PLAYER, you have come up with multiple off the pitch incidents...i.e when he is NOT PLAYing.

    Not one of those things bears any relevance to what he said.

    Btw, Bridge had split up with that tart already, him swerving a handshake is irrelevant and shows how petty your half arsed 'article' was. And JT got an apology

    He was cleared of assault and affray, and like you wrote allegedly took £10k, allegations are worth fuck all.

    1. calm down! calm down!

    2. John Terry is the type of player/person that made me turn around to football and say"FUCK OFF"I share Bill Baileys view that "football players are a bunch of overpaid borderline rapists who,s job it is is to shepperd a ball into a net" put them on a world stage and they crumble like little kids ,why? because there not as good as there wages suggest,im not supporting a so called working class game why? because there shit.

    3. john terry and joey barton two of the biggest scumbags in the game !!!!!!!!!!!!! if they weren't footballers they would be locked up ....FACT!!!!

  3. He's a disgrace not only to his club but to english football, well said Mr Jimmy Corkhill you and your Billy should go round and give him some scouse treatment. Theres no excuse for dirty play he thinks he's beyond reproach, he wouldn't have done it to Vinnie Jones or Craig Bellamy cos he'd of come off worse

  4. Obviously comment no 2 is John Terry himself.......HA HA

  5. @ anonymous april 25, 1:09 pm. are you by ant chance a chelsea fan? terry is not only a disgrace to his club, but also his country, we don't want him and other idiots like him ruining the great game and disgracing themselves in public, british football and british holiday makers have had a terrible reputation over the last thirty years or so, we don't need prats like john terry showing the world that we cannot change, and before you post back an angry reply, please take a moment to realise this is not a poke at you, but angry response to john terry's stupid, idiotic, disgraceful and pathetic attempts to prove himself.

  6. Terry is a vile vile man. Scum of the earth. His father is a drug dealer, his mother shop lifts.

    He gets away with things in the prem, but its good to see they won't allow his bullying tactics in the cl.

    He's a disgrace to the English nation.

    A racist that needs to be shown he can't get away with his.bullying antics.

    John Terry - u know what u r

  7. its no wonder terry and gerrard get on so well.

  8. Oh do Far quar!!! sour grapes and that awful colour of green most of u liverpool supporters have turned!!! 2 quotes champions league & FA cup Get it right outta yeeee!!!!

  9. what the fuck has gerrard got 2 do with it? an how u know they get on well? stop bringin gerrard into it this has nothin to do with him , u must be really jealous of stevie to bring him into something that is nothin to do with him , get that chip off ur shoulder , u sound like that curly haired fuck alan davies and thats not a good thing lad 18 and 5 forever in our shadow JUSTICE 4 THE 96

  10. and u can try ass much as u want to get a rivalry with lfc it isnt goin to happen as u have only been around for 9 years an have no history , we have our rivals in the bitters an the inbreds an as for ur semi final v spurs , well , now we know what rent boy fans really are ! shove ur plastic flags up ur arse u ex- qpr/fulham fans not fit to even mention lfc. liverpool 5 times , THE WHOLE OF LONDON , (whats that? ten plus teams? NOT ONE EURO CUP LOL PMSL.

  11. You forgot spitting on Tevez in the champions league final in '09. And they gave him the England captaincy? I'm glad my kids don't watch him on a regular basis.

  12. Chelsea won a European trophy before Liverpool so if they have no history,then neither do Liverpool.

    Great to see JT lift yet another FA Cup (a record 4 times as Captain with the same club) That's 7 FA Cups Chelsea have now = the same as Liverpool!

    JimmyCorkhill despite this anti Chelsea trash,I do like this blog and when I'm in Munich this Saturday watching my team add to their history,I promise not to give you or any of your anti-Chelsea readers a single thought.


  13. Hopefully there plane accidently runs into the knee of a mountain and the wank stained cockney fucks all rot in hell :)

  14. Cop on Taggy, that's hateful

  15. Yea its also a joke like you lad so erm....FUCK OFF, you should be resting your eyes any way John you've a Champions League final to watch x
