Sunday, 13 May 2012


Alright twat features?

I’m seeing my arse here as you’ve made such a bad show of yourself today, that I have finally been tipped over the edge and I’m having to put pen to paper on you, on a Sunday night.  My Sunday Dinner hasn’t even settled yet, and I don’t think it will tonight due to the fact that you remain in the world. Quiff and all.

People have been asking me to do a letter to you for a while. Could never be arsed wasting my time on you, but, well, then TODAY happened.

As a person, you’re despicable.

You come from a family of pure shit. 

Your 'brother' and your ‘cousin’ murdered Anthony Walker, the young black lad, because he was black.  #RIP    

Your ‘cousins’ murdered an innocent Dad  #RIP  

And you:
  • May 2005 you broke a guy’s leg while driving your car through Liverpool city centre at 2 am.
  • March 2007 you got arrested for suspicion of assault on a taxi driver and criminal damage.
  • May 2008 you got 6 months  in prison for assault and affray outside McDonalds.
  • July 2008 you got a four months suspended sentence for assault and ABH on a Man City team mate, ending your Man City career.  You also got charged by the FA for violent conduct.

    You & 'your family' are the kind of people that give Liverpool a bad name.

As a footballer, you’re despicable.

I'm not going to back track at all your other attention seeking sendings off, like the headbutt v Norwich which got you a straight red and QPR then lost 1-2 at home.

Its today that’s pissed me off.  

Your team were fighting to avoid relegation, and you act the cunt and get a red card.
Then…. Your actions AFTER your red card? Just shouldn’t be seen on a football pitch. Your scum genetics took over and you kick out at Aguero who had nothing to do with your sending off.   Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a City fan. And I’d rather have them win the league than Utd, so in a way THANKS FOR THAT.

But now you’re mouthing off on twitter about “who gives a fuck” .. and how you did what you had to do. And who cares, you stayed up, that’s all that matters?   And that you are off to CELEBRATE??  Celebrate??? You should be sent home to sit on the fucking naughty step lad.

Your team survived by the skin of your yellow teeth today. A penalty at Stoke v Bolton is what saved you. And you are fucking lucky. Otherwise you and “your team” would be down, pretty much because of you. And no offence to any QPR fans reading, but I fucking wish you had gone down just to teach your smug rat tashed fucking face a lesson.

And then you start tweeting that a team mate told you to “take one of the city players with you”.  Bad disgrace that. You should be banned for life. No place for players like you.  The media are going to be all over that tweet, and all QPR players will get tarred with the cheating brush. Well done lad.  There’s no I in team is there? But there’s a fucking I in prick! 

And setting aside the fact that you did it. Now you’re grassing? You can’t live life grassing that someone else told you to do something?  Be your own man. 

Mind you, Rick Astley told you to get that hair cut you’ve got, didn’t he. 

Bottom line is, “Joseph”, underneath all your controversy and the BIG I AM act that you constantly hide behind, is the fact that you just aren’t that good.  ARE YOU? 

So you act up, stir controversy, mouth off, kick out, and play the big guns on twitter, to keep a name for yourself. Don’t you?

Lad,  you play for a team that just survived relegation by an ant’s penis, and you’ve got the same amount of England caps as that David Nugent .  ONE.      Fucking David Nugent.  Says it all.   Thing is though, Nugent was born in Huyton too. But, guess what, he isn’t a bad disgrace to Merseyside. Or humans in general, is he?

Assess your life, lad. Assess your life.   Because me and all the people that read and retweet this are telling you,  you are fucking bad at it.



  1. Replies
    1. outstanding jimmy .. think you said it all , what the twat was thinking is anyones guess .. total A HOLE

    2. I see nobody's mentioned the fact that cheating c**t Tevez started it by attacking Barton, who until that time, had played well. Who knows, may even have been stage managed (Start on Barton, he's got a short temper and bound to retaliate). How the f**k did the linesman see what happened with all those players in the way? Answer: He didn't, he just saw Cheating twat lying on the deck pretending he was seriously hurt. You f**kin idiots need to put the blame where it very clearly lies, with that cheating twat Tevez

    3. thats it, he provoked it! clearly everyone should've given tevez a slap. Whether he provoked it or not, Barton assaulted two players and would've done more were he not restrained. two wrongs don't make a right. any other profession you'd be sacked on the spot for assaulting someone in the work place. He's a scumbag and should be made an example of. And as for yourself, keep your moronic thoughts to yourself and stop stealing our oxygen, you're an embarrassment to us all

    4. Absolutely brilliant Jimmy - first class. That's as close to 'from the heart' as you could ever wish to get!!! I think you may have forgotten about the incident where the 'good samaritan' Barton couldn't find an ash tray so he stubbed his cigar out on a friendly face?? He can come to our boxing club where I should imagine there are a few who would like to take the opportunity to spar with him, the fucking 5'6 cock sucking twat.

    5. Wonderfully put and its about time it was said. I salute you!

    6. Got it spot on Jimmy what a nasty piece of work, i am from Huyton and am assamed like that family are living there

    7. At the end of the day barton is a tosser FACT. No point him gettin in a strop. He need s 2 control his temper. He was a first class PRIcK yesterday. An wud no way want him on my day.

    8. *team not day .

    9. well after that what can i say ? i have lived all my life in knottyash ,most people are good people and just get on with every day life .. however some do not ,,, we all probely know a loney or mad family ,who are nothink but horrrible scum / but mr barton is a well payed footballer. who canot controle his temper and has been in the news quite a lot ,how ever he canot be blamed for what his evil family done to anthony .but he needs to be band from every football ground for life , and be made to get mentle hellp before he kills some one ,, me i do not care if mr barton gets £20.000000 a week he can play for everton liverpool for all i care he do not bother me one bit he can live next door to me if he wants to .i do not give a dam about any football player .the only reson iam giveing this the time of day .is that cant beleive he has got to you all .

    10. who are ya just cozz am got loads of money knob-heads say it to my face i you all fucking out pricks

    11. jimmy ..nail right on the head m8 .. dont know who that guy above is , could be JB by the spelling , if so you're a joke m8 and should banned for life , just for the tash alone you animal .. rant over


    13. well said jimmy ,he is a disgrace to football and should be band for life . there are thousands of young lads who would give there right leg to play football at that leval xx

    14. Brilliant, I sat there yesterday, watching one of the best endings to a season I have ever witnessed in my 56 years on Gods earth,and then along comes this nob Barton. I was trying to think of a suitable response without much successs, so Thanks Jimmy for putting into words what I quite frankly couldn't be arsed doing.The sooner shite like Barton are seen to be suitably punished the better it will be for Football and England as a whole.

    15. i think we should shot the prick in the knee cpas atleast then he carnt come back the wanker!!!!!!

    16. Jimmy: 100% right, as a long loyal QPR fan i just hope Mark Hughes and the QPR Board of Directors sack him, he is not fit to pull on a blue / white hooped shirt ever again, in fact any shirt he is a disgrace, a role model for pure TWAT's.....

    17. Well said Jimmy....the people's poet has spoken!

  2. "There’s no I in team is there? But there’s a fucking I in prick!"

    Genius Mr Corkhill. I'm using that one at work this week!

    But yeah you're right, Barton is fucking prick

    1. My mate came up with:

      "There's no I in team but there is a you in C***" I would like to express that sentiment to Barton.

    2. your mate didnt come up with this

      its a quote from Eastbound and Down

    3. hes only a CUNT

    4. Well said, should be banned for life

    5. jimmy well said lad.....................he is fukn scum of the earth!!!

  3. Never a truer word published, Barton is a fucking no mark

  4. LOL funny how Suarez gets pulled into everything bad that happens on any football pitch , wish people would give the guy a break #Blamesuarez

    1. Who mentioned Suarez?

      BTW did I tell you that i saw him eat an apple through a letter box the other day?

  5. Spot on James lad, spot on.

    How dare JB steal our oxygen.

  6. Yeah nice one Jimmy.

    Best wishes

    Ron Dixon

  7. No 'I' in team... But a 'u' in cunt

    1. you cant change the letter... idiot

    2. Erm... yes, you can. There's no I is generic, the u (or you) is a direct reference to JB.

  8. Playing for a team that just survived relagation in the PREMIERSHIP aka the best league in the world is a massive achievement, getting ONE cap for your country is a MASSIVE achievement, so that point u made is a load of shit!

    1. Hi David Nugent, thanks for logging on there. How's things at Leicester or wherever you are these days? OK so yes, yes, yes, they are MEGA achievements and that point I made is a load of shit. All my other points remain very valid though, yes?

    2. thanks for your comment Joey, you can get back in your cage now you cunt.

  9. Who the fuck are you telling people to re-assess their lives? What a dickhead.

    1. Ehhhhhh Jimmys clearly not a scummy wee prick like you ya dickhead! So a so called "professional footballer" is allowed to go about kicking and elbowing fellow professionals and not be told to re -assess his life? Jimmy's right so away back in your box you wee dick!

    2. From everyone reading this. Shut the fuck up?

      Agreed with every word Jimmy!

  10. Could agree more but shouldn't that read "there's no 'i' in team but there's a 'u' in cunt".

    It actually sounds like you're calling yourself a 'prick'.

    1. I agree with you about Barton which is amazing cos your a scouse twat, and you proved it by having a dig at Nugent. How many England caps have you been good enough at football to get? Oh yeah none, cos the best job you ever had was reading words to a camera - fucking scouse wanker

    2. Shame all these comments are anonymous. Some of the morons should be named and shamed. Joey Barton has a certain amount of footballing talent sure, but he doesn't deserve it and it should be taken away from him with a hefty ban. Just cause we're not all premier league footballers doesn't mean we can't have our say... oh and calling someone a scouse wanker is pretty ignorant.

  11. DBD is a big gay knobber and so is Barton

    1. william windsor13 May 2012 at 22:15

      well i'm fucking gay & proud of it ! i'd rather be gay than a fucking absolute t@@t like Barton & his croanies, he's a disgrace to the game and liverpool in general what kind of professional acts in such a sick manner he is no advert for the game and any youngsters getting involved in the glorious game shouldnt have to witness this kind of s@@t the fa should have banned this thug a long time ago he's one of the worst so called professional players that was ever given the chance to play i believe in karma and hope it bites him right in that arse he loves to flash

  12. yeah well said...its all true but on tuesday night Suarez attacked Ivanovic from behind with a forearm to the jaw and then pretends it was an accident.well his antics make him a scumbag aswell in my book just like Barton.And Terry and Rooney when they let their thuggish upbringing come to the fore.Barton is a waste of a good skin but he's not the only one.And im a Man Utd fan.

    1. You didnt need to state you were a Man U fan -- the bringing Suarez in to it said it all.

    2. ooooo very defensive are'nt we.if you had any brains at all you wld have noticed i slated Rooney and Terry aswell...typical scouser never honest enough to criticise yur own.

    3. How was that remotely defensive? Count to ten, using your six fingers on each hand, and my reply again. Beaut.

    4. it was defensive because yur slating Barton and rightly so..but wen Suarez does lunatic things you don't slate him mongo

    5. Why're you bringing Suarez into it. Oh, you support united? That's why then.

    6. Did you seem to forget the two footed flying tackle from essien on carrol and the earlier ivanovic assault on carrol

    7. Not to be the spelling police but it just ruins your opinion if you're that thick. This whole thing should remain entirely about Barton. Oh and Rooney's had one yellow card all year in the Prem.

    8. yes guys i hear what you're all saying.. and there has been filth going on on football pitches from day dot , think what spoiled jimmy's dinner was the way the animal left the field , attacking an other player for no reason on the way off has to be one of the most scummy things i've ever seen in football , and the fact that it was this animal , who lets face it has a left a wake of filth like no other in the modern game just pushed our jimmy over the edge .. and jimmy i could'nt have put it better myself m8 ... BILL

  13. Did you miss the point about the biggest game of the day, children watching, taking his antics onto the park next weekend, role model la de dah! His Twitter description states 'Irrelevent' that sums him up! Let's hope QPR & the FA also think he is irrelevent, QPR can dump his sorry arsed contract for gross-miscounduct, no loss there and FA ban him for life, no loss there either! It's all good!

    1. yea exactly 'kids watching' watching teves jumping on another player and punching him in the back of the head and then rolling around on the ground holding his face when the other player sneezed at him, and Aguero was the first one over to barton pushing and shoving him and saying god only knows what and when Barton gave him a knee to the thigh(watch it yourself) he goes down holding his ribs- this kind of bullshit playacting is what is ruining the game, we need more players like barton who say to the scum that if your gonna go down I will make fucking sure your going down for a reason. I see it every week at soccer camps now, kids as young as 8 falling over at the slightest touch looking for free kicks, it's bullshit and has to be stopped but the powers that be won't do it, Apparently they brought in those extra refs on the goal lines to cut out dives for penalties hasn't fucking worked has it, I ask you all this - why are Brazil considered the greatest footballers ever - because they7 can fucking avoid a tackle or just charge through it not fall over holding their knee if they get a tap on the ankle or holding their face if they feel a breeze on their pampered face

    2. Remember Ronaldhino v Turkey in the world cup???????

    3. Do you mean Rivaldo?

      Agree with all you said about Joey. I do agree with an earlier comment about the likes of Terry, Rooney, Suarez, they get away with it because they're better players? Nothing will be as bad as what Joey did, but Rooneys foul mouthed outbursts, his kick outs, granny shagging. Why doesn't he get a letter? Suarez with his forearm to Ivanovic, his cheating and racism. Terry and his scumbag family, racism? Gerrard attacking people in nightclubs (even though somehow got away with it), apparently cheating with a 16 year old? There are a lot of players that get away with it. I'm not comparing the two, but imagine if a Barton type player did the same sort of tackle as Scholes? He'd get slaughtered. Scholes gets away with a 'ha that's a proper Schooes tackle'.

    4. I'm a Birmingham City fan, so know all about scumbags. But it seems the elite, get away with a lot more. They should be the brunt of our frustration, even if they do win us games. They're the scum. Joey is a cock though, just hasn't got a brain. He thinks he has, but the stuff he does is signs of a madman.

  14. Well said big man. I think the other post he had on twitter also showed how much of a dingaling the guy is.

    'Can do nothing but apologise to the players and the fans. Still don't think its a sending off. Tried to take 1 of their players with me....'

    1. Haha, so it was a prooooper apology then!? What a tit. He may as well have Tweeted "I'm really sorry for what I did, buuuuuuuut, it wasn't my fault..."

  15. "Our Joey" needs the oxygen of publicity. As per, today will grant him just that. If QPR had some balls, they'd sack him instantly. Great summation of matters though, pal ...

    1. jelous ...

    2. Not really being a footie fan - I find his actions on the pitch disgraceful, what I find most disturbing is the fact (reading up on his other personal errrm 'attributes' on the blog) that he is allowed out on the streets with the rest of us - what a twat indeed!!

  16. There is always one!!/Derby1990/status/201770026062188544

    1. Derby fan that can't spell, says it all

  17. How are you supposed to teach kids the right and wrongs in life when you've got cocks like Barton as supposed role models, the next time my lad twats someone at football what is my answer when he turns round and says, it's ok dad I've seen them do it on match of the day. The thing is I am more than capable of breaking every bone in this pricks face if I wanted to, but evolution prevents me from doing so. #JoeyBartonMissingLink.

    1. Bring up your own kids. Don't rely on Joey Barton to do it.

    2. Any Parent that lets there kids use footballers as role models is a lazy parent. Bring your own kids up and teach them right and wrong yourself - rather than sitting them in front of the box for 7 hours a day and letting them bring it up.

    3. Jesus, I think he was just making a point of saying kids like to repeat what they see from professional footballers. I don't think you can make assumptions about his parenting!

  18. Comin from a nufc fan THANK FUCK UR GONE

  19. Jimmy Corkhill. This is the first rant I've read of yours and i'm hooked. "followed"

  20. nice one dean he is a maggot

  21. hope QPR have the nuts to sack him.....bloody disgraceful behaviour.....also think a certain Mr Tevez should be getting a call from the FA in the morning as well.

    1. badassmexicangringo13 May 2012 at 23:07

      well if the dont he gets away with it again ,some one need to stand up to him he is just a big arogant bully

  22. Gob smacked here!! That jimmy corkhill is psychic!! Cos he just said everything about that cockhead I was thinking!! Spooky!

  23. JC, I commend u on your very valid assessment of this piece of excrement.Barton is from a family of pure shit but what is worse is that he quotes other people's words and tries to pass himself off as some intelligent thinker. The truth of the matter is he's an inbred racist, pseudo intellectual confirming the myth that he's a misunderstood man. He's a cunt. All the racist shit he gets away with on the pitch (Dickson Etuhu,Ousmane Dabo,Karl Henry,Gabby Agbonlahor and Gervinho for example) makes my blood boil and then he gets paid £80,000 a week and made captain of a classic club? I met Anthony Walkers mother in 'Kenny' (Kensington) Liverpool shortly after that twats family had killed her boy, I offered her my condolences but she was just missing-completely destroyed by that family of shit! I would love to meet Joey Barton down a dark alley and if u can get someone to read this Barton yeah I want a straightener with u u cunt. I've gone anonymous for now save all the Neo nazi arsehole followers he's got but watch ya front Barton. Love your style JC, keep it up you're proper.

    1. Well said Mr anonymous. The fact that anybody has the temerity to stand up for this c'u'nt faced peice of shit is totally beyond me. If I never see his puny body again in a football kit, it will be a day too soon!!!

  24. True he is a bit shit really!!

  25. Brilliant jimmy. Your cracker would be proud.


  26. nice one jim lad

  27. Everyone should stop trying to tell jb how to live his life he does what he wants if you don't like it then don't bother with him! as if all your slabbering is going to change him! so wise up and live your own life and try get it to perfection before trying to perfect somebody elses

  28. Everyone should stop trying to tell jb how to live his life he does what he wants if you don't like it then don't bother with him! as if all your slabbering is going to change him! so wise up and live your own life and try get it to perfection before trying to perfect somebody elses

  29. WOW that's alot of home truths eh, Well said.

  30. Harsh would be unfair, I think you must have been in quite a wonderful mood today writing that!
    Liked every bit of it though.

    Could have added if he wasn't such a prIck he may have been lifting the trophy today. Oh no he wouldn't because he is shIt

  31. Who gives a fuck. Keyboard warrior

  32. Jb is a bully.. but what more can you expect if his family are that way too. You reap what you sow !!!! Shame on you..

  33. No ones 'expecting' our 'slabbering' to change him..if several stints in prison cant nothing can! We are merely saying grow the fuck up and stop making scousers look bad! Plus..isn't that what twitter and facebook is for?? So you have your say we will have ours!!!

  34. Joey Barton will never read this and if he did he wouldn't care, sadly.

  35. hahah Dave Nugent in the letter LCFC woooohooooo

  36. well done hun, not a truer word said hate fookers like that shitbags an bullies hate them x

  37. Hey Jim lad I agree with everything you said, did I ever tell you how I took Little Jimmy up the wrongun one night when you were on the door at Bar Brookie? I think thats why he turned to the skag, sorry Jim lad....

  38. Well said Jimbo, your only writing what everyone else thinks!!

  39. Should have gone with, "There's no I in team but there's a u in Cunt!"

  40. never mind ashamed of him being from Liverpool im ashamed hes from the johns

  41. totally agree that Barton is a scumbag of a football player that doesn't deserve to be playing in a league like the Barclays Premier League, but to be honest I think bringing his family into it is a bit of a cheap shot. Yes, they are murdering cunts, but that has nothing to do with him. There are people in my family that have done things that make me sick as they would make you if you knew, but does that make me a bad person?

    If you are going to go on a "rant" about someone like that, why not focus on the things that this person has done to make you want to rant about him in the first place rather than what his family have done?

  42. he's lovely, no need to be such a knob, why don't you send this to him instead of publishing it on the internet like you say he has :)

    also, QPR still wouldn't have gone down, due to having a better goal difference so there we go :) hes a lovely lovely boy, just misunderstood.

    balotelli shouldn't have started afterwards either should he? but theres no letter to him. the guy who joey elbowed in the face shouldn't have tugged him around either. the knee to that other guy was completely uncalled for yes, there was no need for that at all.

    QPR played amazing today! the keeper made some right saves so they fought to stay up with and without barton on the pitch!

    1. Oh dear, take off the blinkers !!

    2. paddy kenny made some good saves but the 1st and last goal my 6 year old brother would have saved... its not just today. its the fact he has done 7 or 8 bad things... another one not mentioned is he partially blinded a youth team member and cost him his career! I hope for your sake you are taking the piss or life is just going to eat you up!

    3. Kid, you clearly know nothing about football, by referring to some of the best players in the world as 'the guy' abd 'the other guy'. . . shush now!!!

  43. mr corkhill i applaud you.. quality blog.

    watchout he doesnt ask his brother if he can borrow an ice pick, never a true word been said about this low lifes existence !

  44. I think Joey Barton should be banned from Football for life, No club should be allowed to sign him.
    A petition should be written to the FA to never let this thug play professional football.

  45. Suarez is a disgrace too and lfc fans don't say anything about that.

    The biting, the handball, the racism, the finger gesture. all a disgrace too.

    1. The biting was before us, handball = probable mistake, the racism - cultural misunderstanding, lets talk about Messi, apparently he's racist now, the finger gesture, who can blame him with the list above! Deffo a Manc nonce!! Go an iron your Be20eve shirt, actually, don't bother, the league went to the better half of Manchester!

  46. well said mr corkhill xxxx

  47. that's rat boy told about bloody time!

  48. Ow my god this man is a ledgend. I hate barton what a fucking disgrace. No I in team but a I in prick. Let's see barton bitch on his tweet about this.

  49. Well done Joey Barton. These soccer guys are all pussies. Give them a good ol kick up the backside. You shoulda kicked Aguero harder then he wouldnt have got the winner. Youre a disgrace. You didnt kick him hard enough and as for that elbow that you did. What kind of an elbow is that? My granny would have done a better one and shes passed. When you elbow an opponent you pull back your arm full tilt and give a big whack in the face not what you did. Now that I know you are such a hard man I know that you will want to fight some of my heavies the next time you appear on a pitch. But knowing you you will probably bring a blade but as you say who gives a fuck. Your a coward really. I bet if Aguero or any of these guys took you on in the ring you would hide away. You think you are a hard man but the cushions on my sofa are harder. I would flatten you with my thumb and I have only 3 fingers. You dont really have a clue do you. You dont really know what hard work or passion all footballers put into the sport that you despise. You dont really know the heart that poor Fabrice put into the game and Petrov. You dont know the history that brings Hillboro to mind for Liverpool or Munich to mind for Man Utd who you helped lose the league for today. But that is not the point because I was delighted city won and that Aguero scored the winning goal. But seriously Joey. It is time to hang up your boots, appologise to the whole of football and work for a childrens charity for 12 months and then you can become a panelist on Sky Sports and discriminate against female linesmen or something

    1. No offence but can't help but wonder how long this took you to type...

  50. lol at everyone callin JB a bully whilst actively ganging up on him trying desperately to offend or bring him down. And as for Mr Jimmy Corkhill acting asif he was disgusted.... i bet you could see your hard on from space when this Barton incident happened, salivating at the thought of writing your self righteous piece of shit letter and all the attention it will get.

  51. Dont know why you bring David Nugent into though you bell end he is a model proffesional who is never in the papers for the wrong reasons and was fortunate enough to get a England cap and score, and now everyone is kissing your arse "Top Blogger" phhhhft.

    1. i agree...david nugent is a quality lad who at the time deserved his england cap and but for a bad injury would of been banging them in at the top level......dont understand the use of him in reference to BArton....

  52. well said Jimmy but why bdont all these anonymous replies have the balls to put their names to them

  53. This post has restored my faith in the city of Liverpool, it has everything, I have never laughed so much. Too many plastic gangsters out there thinking either drugs or football thugery is the way forward when both just disgrace our name across the land but the real liverpool, the one that isn't owned by gangsters but the hard working real people is the one I love, the real people who don't have to hide behind a surname and usually a surname I wouldn't piss on never mind bow down to!! Great read, True scousers are one of a kind, great inspiration people, naturally charming and witty, not bullies or thugs.

  54. The fact your still calling yourself jimmy corkill just proves what a twat you are because no one would know you otherwise, what the fuck has it got to do with you what joey Barton does you got nothing better to do with yourself ?

  55. Bandwagon? need some publicity of your own im guessin. Tevez dived. Barton didnt deserve the card. Write about more important shit if your good enough to. His family have nothing to do with it, and if you wrote about every other footballers criminal record we'd be here all day so shut the fuck up.
    Max Storr

  56. My name is Anon Yassin Mous, so get bent. Beaut.

  57. Yeah, fuck the anonymous shit Jimmy.


    Ted Danson

  58. You are all morons and need to get a life, the writer of this is a knob and the actions of other members of his family is not his fault! Comments like are no better than the actions made on the pitch and the writer in my view is just as much of a fool as Joey today, but you know what at least he stands by his actions and don't follow the crowd!


  60. And at least David Nugent scored on his cap

  61. nothing wrong with david nugent! At least he isn't as much of a cunt as barton. just dont wanna see him tarred as a bad player as we need him here in leicester lol.
    good letter by the way!

  62. David Nugent = 1 England cap = 1 England goal = Best goal to game ratio for any England player = England Legend!
    Joey Barton = tosser!

  63. Oh the irony, your clearly a total moron for writing this. Joey barton wants people to talk about him so he throws the bait and you being the retarded fish you are bite it and get hooked! Do you really think hes going to be offended by the words of a nobody. Frankly the response is incredibly childish, you stooped to his level, only difference between you is that he gets paid fuck loads for it. Who's the cunt now? smart move jackass

  64. I've just read a blog that loads of people keep RTing at me.... penned by a Brookside character parody account on twitter... #fuckofbritain

  65. "Oh the irony, your clearly a total moron for writing this. Joey barton wants people to talk about him so he throws the bait and you being the retarded fish you are bite it and get hooked! Do you really think hes going to be offended by the words of a nobody. Frankly the response is incredibly childish, you stooped to his level, only difference between you is that he gets paid fuck loads for it. Who's the cunt now? smart move jackass"

    Brilliant, This is so true!

  66. funny reading and alot of truths... well said jc

  67. You're ALL cunts.

    But - Joey "cunt" Barton is the biggest cunt ever.

  68. Took the words straight from my mouth. And on behalf of 99.99% of football fans thank you. This Sir, is brilliant

    Dan Burnett

  69. This is a little bit lame. Yeah he's a massive tool but he's never going to be a role model, just don't give him any of your time and move on. In fact if the unlikely situation occurs where he does read this, he'll probably love the attention.

  70. what about the attempted headbutt after the kick?

  71. You are all wrong about Barton being a Scouser. No he's not he's from Huyton and never will be a Scouser

    1. You are an extremely dull person. Where does he have to be from to be classed as Scouse? The Dock Road and the first thirty yards of Dale St or something?

  72. Great rant, but you shouldn't have brought Rick Astley into it. He's awreet is our Rick.

  73. What a stupid letter, why even waste time to write one? Barton is a Premier League footballer...jimmy corkhill or whatever ur name is i sense ur for attention is all u are

  74. i think the greatest barton moment has to be when billy big bollocks cowered from Diaby and only got back up when nolan came over, or when gervinho slapped him, once again only getting up when others came over, not condoning the violence but when directed towards barton its no less than he deserves, he's a coward, a scumbag,and a waste of time to even bother discussing, the sooner QPR get rid the better

  75. Fucking brilliant. Best read EVER.

  76. I hate Joey Barton and congratulate you on a great post Jimmy, however i'd like to point out that you're an absolute dribbling little cunt who's proudest moment in life was appearing on a rather shit soap.

    David Nugent on the other hand is earning more money in a year than you probably are in 10. True fact.

  77. Wouldn't fancy the disgraces mug in league 2. Hope Sunday league thinks twice.

  78. joey barton U TWAT!!!!!!

  79. He cost United that title. That's all that matters.

    And no-one likes Tevez and his face anyway.

  80. Right, theres no need to blame Barton for what his brother did. And no need to be a cunt about Nugent, he a genuinely good bloke, and he scored on his only game, so fuck you.

  81. What's worse is that he has the dream job. Yes, you can argue that hard work probably got him there, but it doesn't give him the right to act like an arsehole! He should know better, being in the public domain.

  82. You can only play the scummy family card so many times with barton, and it is a fair point, they're scum, worst of the worst type. I agree. It's the part that comes next that i don't see, reeling off his biscuit arsed crimes commited when he was still growing up. I'm sure jimmy corkhill, more than most, has got a few skeletons in the closet, bodies in the basement etc... but nobody's let this get in the way of your glittering acting career. know what i mean jimmy?

    If Barton never had the determination and anger he shows every week, he'd never have been looked at in the academys, it's what makes him the pretty average player he is (a big achievment in the prem), and you can't expect it to change now he's made it. His little cigar incidents and fights outside the maccies are not to be mentioned in the same sentance as that murdering rat of a brother he has.

    Have him in the Everton dressing room (not pitch) any day.

    Peace, love and sunshine x

  83. I discovered this via Facebook.. The argument is tarnished by the use of such language. Don't need to swear to make your point. I agree Joey Barton shouldn't be allowed to play again. I don't agree with the family links. As someone else said, he isn't accountable for anyone else.. What does sicken me though is when someone is violent and then almost gloats like it's acceptable. Its never ok.. The look on his face today when he knee'd Aguero was actually venom. He wanted to hurt him. To then come home and brag on twitter just adds to the insult. Yes the media will be all over it. The powers that be will all have an opinion. Will he be charged with assault ? I hope so. The question i have is simply - what example are you giving your son, Joey ? .. You can be a thug, please the masses who defend violence, but being a good father should be first and foremost. One day when you are old and retired. He will be on the internet reading all the negative press.. You are a fan of Dalai Lama - perhaps practice this quote " be kind whenever possible - it is always possible " ... Thanks to the author of this. Without your blog i probably wouldn't have bothered with my opinion. When i remove the crass talk. You make a valid point..

  84. What a pathetic rant. Jimmy, you're a bigger cunt than Joey.

  85. whats all this anonymous shit you load of mard arse cunts

  86. if joey barton was in front of you youd drop a brick you fucking faggot

  87. Actually couldn't agree more with this. He needs sacking, and why do the police never get involved, he attacked another unprovoked, that right there is assault.

    1. Someone needs to make a formal complaint to the police for them to get involved.

  88. This is fucking brilliant. Barton is one of the very few humans in life I truly despise.

  89. Oh well. Never mind. THE R's ARE STAYING UP. That is all.

  90. I'd just like to add. Joey barton is an ex blue scouse-born cunt. And Manchester City were gift wrapped the title with his sending off. Lucky blue twats.

  91. Can any of you brain dead, foul mouthed, football watching morons actually spell? The opinions count for nothing if you cannot even write it properly. God help the world.

  92. Get over it people, bit childish this letter tbf and I'm no joey Barton fan

  93. I agree as a scouser an ashamed people may think we're all scum like him, he is in the public eye and should reflect on his actions, children look up to footballers there fore he should set an example. All you people on here slagging Jimmy off have probably been dragged up like Barton In stead of being brought up knowing right from wrong...

  94. Joey barton is a rerard!, he has his queer Hitler youth hair cut and a bad chuckle brothers moustache!.
    He a absolute disgrace no matter what team he's played for,he needs to sort his life out! Numerous chances fucked up and still he preaches,SHUT THE FUCK UP BARTON YOU EAT FACED,INBRED,FUCK WIT!!!

    1. haha! a rerard? what the fucks a rerard?

  95. To all the bedwetters whining, "Don't bring his family in to this..."

    If Barton had taken one of the numerous second, third, fourth, fifth etc chances and turned his life around then mentioning his family would have been irrelevant but he's gone on to prove: birds of a feather. His conduct in life vindicates the mention of his murdering racist sibling's actions.

  96. Joey Barton is an embarrassment to the people of Liverpool and I for one hope he is banned for life. We are decent people but when a nob like him is on the telly every week acting a complete dickhead in the most high profile way possible, it's us who will suffer the stereotypical responses from others!

  97. bartons a cunt and tevez is a cunt there all a set of cunts but some cunts are better than others. big up hull city a.f. and c for quality cunts! mad arry ov ull...

  98. Brilliant letter there Jimmy Corkhill :
    Joey Barton is a , "Bent Ref."
    He is a blind-siding , sucker punching Cunt .
    I like fighting face to face not sneaky like
    JB , Shows what he is . ie ,the muggy little
    Vadge who shouts ,"Come on then " ,When he's
    driving off .
    He calls himself a pacifist coz he thought it
    meant : A Passafist A person who sneakily
    passes a fist into the back of someone's head
    when they're not looking and then rats out .
    A premature ejaculator-(jack nicholson in
    Anger management)
    He putts from the rough . He wouldn't call a
    foul on himself at snooker . And now lastly
    He wouldn't say " When " when his girlfriend
    specifically asked @SPEEDwithEASE to . That
    last one was me but the rest is true . . .
    see u Nex Time

  99. JC, I'm the chap who earlier commended u on your outstanding letter to this twat-there's one thing I just can't get my head around and that's how the fuck has he got a child? That little girl he's with must be fucking desperate. Imagine one's daughter coming home and saying they've got a new fella and it's Barton? Then to say they're up the junction with his satanic spawn? I'd run her out the house. Imagine the piece of shit groping one's daughter-Nah that just really galls my stones. All these arseholes defending this twat make my laugh, these are the fucking chavs u see on Jeremy Kyle. Barton can drive an Aston Martin and play golf but he's just like school in July----No class.

  100. Ps: I still want to punch his fucked up head although I'll have to join a very long line to do it. Fuck Barton and his family and the cunts that follow him.
    Barton's Missus uses that new scent he bought her from Primark - 'Eau de Slag'. Cheap as chips and chavs destined to open one's legs after a WKD.

  101. Joey Barton is cleverer than you pathetic and jealous bunch of human beings...see for example this...

    He is actually a very clever chap and the fact he has bettered himself coming from that kinda family, fair play to him.

    Having a bad temper doesn't make him 'scum' and its almost as if its only because he is a working class lad everyone rounds on him like this...

    You can also tell that some of the people reading this think Jimmy Corkhill is actually a real person lol

    1. What planet are you on ? He acts up that he's clever - like he acts up everything else.

    2. He hasnt bettered himself & going to an art gallery with a film crew dosnt make you clever.

      hes a silly boy with a bad hair cut.

  102. This all seems a bit much. Elbowing, then kneeing and then head butting people is certainly poor judgement and violence should never be condoned. But a writtten assault spouting hatered is far from a virtue.Congratulations to Man City and well done QPR for playing your part in the most entertaining final day since west ham played pinball in their penalty box with Man Utd and Jamie (what the feck you doin kid) Redknapp scoring a belter against Blackburn at Anfield in 1995.

  103. Yeah lets round up all the working class and shoot them yeah? Thats right...

  104. Thanks Jimmy. Someone needed to say that to him. I myself had enough of him when he was at NUFC. He is cowardly and uneducated, i think it goes for some of his family too.

    Peter, Newcastle.


  106. Sure he has the same amount of caps as Nugent, but Nugent has actually scored for england! :D
    Life ban end of!

  107. Barton is no player he is just a big kid that needs a slap and told to leave team sports as everyone who is supporting QPR are part of the team. To spend money an watch an ass like you is not wanted. Joey you have to grow up. Walk away and let us enjoy a great team that we will have next year.

  108. is jimmy corkhill still shacked up with fred the weatherman?

  109. Jelous cunt jimmy....skint or summit

  110. If someone starts on me in work then acts like a cunt when i retaliate I'm going to get the hump. All of you who say you'd act differently are either pussies or liars.

  111. Nothing better to do retards ? and Mr Corkhill did you steal my stereo :(

  112. so right Jim but a cunt is useful to many games not just football why link it to a none person like Barton

  113. I must be the minority, neanderthal brain dead thug. It had me on the edge of my seat. Football has lost a lot of passion and committment since losing the working class' roots. As exciting as the top flight is it's ruined by feigners, cheats and overpaid dramatic ponces covered in moisteuriser and ridiculous hairdos. Remember the good old days of Souness, Duncan Disorderly, McMahon, bet you were there egging them on weren't you. What's the difference ? His aggression on the pitch wasn't that bad however I won't condone his actions elsewhere.


  114. U all do know your all calling this guy jimmy its not jimmy corkhill u know he is a made up person from popular tv show brookside played by actor dean Sullivan.. This person can shout his mouth off but hides behind a false profile

  115. Who incidentaly made a living from playing a down and out thieving cokehead.

  116. Well said that tosser is a disgrace to football and a disgrace in general

  117. Roy keane did the same things on the field as joey Barton and he was called a hard player just because football has gone soft and he doesn't play for man u or a top club people get at him. U can't judge his playing style on his off field antics I bet there's people here that have done things in there personal life that they would want them affecting there job.he did his crime and done his time.

  118. His record speaks for its self. I used to live in Huyton and moved after meeting several 'Joeys'. Shame because there's lots of top lads who are tarnished by association. QPR should let him go and he should not find a team to disgrace anywhere else. Tosser.

  119. You're an idiotic asshole 'Jimmy'. You righteous pontificating cunt. I'm a United fan, and I'm much less emotional than you seem to be. Are you so fragile that you were riled by someone you obviously have no respect for? Are you really so insecure?
    Imagine someone had the pomposity to tread through your family history, broadcast it and blame you for it, putting it down to genetics. Barton may be a bit of a scummer, but since you seem to be so judgmental about his merits as a footballer... how many caps do you have?
    Then you go on to insult the innocent Nugent? Why? Because you're just as big a scumbag as Barton. You're a bully, but a bully who can't even play football. You're a talentless bully. And as far as bullyin goes, you're shite enough too. Look at this quote, by you dear scribe: "I'm not going to back track at all your other attention seeking sendings off, like the headbutt v Norwich which got you a straight red and QPR then lost 1-2 at home." What the fuck? is that ironic or something. Are you satirising yourself here when you do the opposite of what you intend to do? Are you some mad Joycean genius far beyond our realms of comprehension. You are in my fuck. You're a low, low person, probably stuck to a wee wankpit in Birkenhead. Focusing your ire on someone who couldn't give two fucks about you, and never will. I'm glad there's scum like you about. Boosts my morale no end.

  120. A scousers should be burned at the stake for the murder of innocent juventus fans in Heysel. Want to right a we latter about that ya dorty fucking bastards

    1. here here

    2. All cockneys should be burned at the stake because of the Krays. I do love a bit of mass generalisation.

  121. Does anyone remember the Cantona judo kick to a fan!? Now that was fucking cool. What Barton did was fuck all. Dunno what all the fuss is about really.
